Happy first update of 2024! 

Alright! This took me absolutely too long, the first git commit for this change dates from December of last year apparently. Phew…
You may have noticed that the disclaimer page is a little longer, the sidebar reflects how I’m no longer in my 20s, the font is different now (it should display as Atkinson Hyperlegible and I do find it a lot easier in the eyes than old Nunito Sans) and the the color scheme when viewing the website in dark mode should match the light mode a bit more. I’ve also shifted things around so that the homepage isn’t my blog entry listing, which should allow me to do some fun web 1.0-ish sparkly gif links or whatever in the future - essentially just trying to compensate for how I don’t actually update the blog all that often.
I’ve also made a change to the sidebar so that the image shown is one of the different userpics at random, and you’ll find there are actually a lot! And the userpics themselves are also slightly bigger than LJ’s typical 100 x 100 px. I’ve had to upscale the userpics so they’d display correctly on the sidebar so I might as well make them a bit more noticeable.
The only thing I haven’t been able to complete in full is the OC Corner page which will still take some work as I compile art and text about them. But most noticeably, it seems like the guestbook form is not working now… I’ve tried to change my discord webhook URL and try to use a different server but no luck yet… I’ll try to fix that up eventually but given how it’s technically already monday, I must settle for deactivating the form for now. 🙁
Ideally I’d also like to turn some of my longer Blorbo Social posts into a proper blog entry here, but given my track record I genuinely can’t promise anything. I’ve got a couple days off over the holiday season, so lets see how that goes.
TTYL! Hopefully!
- Citro