The Height of Narcissism
Published on - (AO3 Link)Helltaker - Loremaster/Lucifer, Loremaster/Azazel - Rated M - Mostly for fucky S&M vibes between Lucifer and Loremaster, but Azazel and Loremaster are pretty tame.
Wordcount: 1260 Words
A short drabble on how the Loremaster conducts her experiments and studies, her relationships with her coworkers, plus a surprise guest.
On Missing Heaven
Published on - (AO3 Link)Helltaker - Helltaker/Azazel - Rated M - Kink Negotiation, implied sex and fade-to-black.
Wordcount: 3150 Words
For all her interest in demons, Azazel still gets a little homesick about Heaven and how things are done there. Helltaker does his best to help and it works out well enough for them both.
A Chrom/Frederick S-Support
Published on - (AO3 Link)Fire Emblem Awakening - Chrom/Frederick - Rated G - Canon typical Support conversation.
Wordcount: 560 Words - Written in Script format
Segues from the canon A support that ended with Frederick still dusting everything in the middle of “taking it easy” while also looking pale and tired from worrying that he was starting to be useless to Chrom and Lissa. Someone give this man a break.