Citro, who's also a dork

Let there be Pagination! Also fic updates!

A fluffy haired elf wizard looking starry eyed at the delicious food she's eating.

It really took me a while but I finally managed to get pagination to work on this web site! Now we only see two entries per page and I no longer live in fear of having to pay for someone’s hospital bill for making them scroll too much and breaking their thumb!

Speaking of breaking your thumb with long pages, I made some edits to On Missing Heaven! It is indeed a little longer than it used to be, and it was a fun exercise in grabbing 2021 me’s shoulders and going “No sweetie, you don’t get away with not saying the word sex in this sentence or avoid mentioning his boner.”

This is in the service of making Helltaker actually sound like a dude who went to hell to smash mad quantities of demon puss instead of a pussy author from a culturally catholic country. I don’t think I have the same hold up about writing the Slot A into Tab B as I had back then, which is a good sign because I think the fic I’m working on now can only actually work if I have them in.

As of right now, “On Embracing Hell” is fully outlined, with material for either an epilogue or the seeds for a continuation. Chapter 1 is sitting at around 4495 words and I’m excited to put some more in this evening!

I’m still inexperienced and a bit wary of this stage of this process though: I don’t know if I wanna fully write the thing over the next few months/years and post each chapter at a regular interval sometime close to the goddamn heat death of The Sun or just post a chapter as the next chapter is written-

That should at least keep me from making so many edits to the originally posted chapter I have to advise readers to track back. And all this is being very generous and assuming I don’t fall out of love with the story or die before I’m finished…

Actually, if you happen to have opinions on the best course of action, please vote here!

I’ve also started to work on the OC Corner but I lost steam to be honest… Too many things to figure out in regards to how to display the pictures still, specially I wanna write more fanfic this weekend, but I’m leaving the first page up!

Much love!

- Citro

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